Honest News from Israel
Combating Biased News about Israel from the Media
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Bad News Snippets
Good News Snippets
World News & the Bible
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Image: Texas University. Enlarge.
Why is the News from Israel usually Bad News?
Why is the tiny country of Israel always in the news? Why is the Western media, and particularly the United Nations, generally hostile towards Israel? The maps show tiny Israel surrounded by Arab-Muslim countries, many of whom are also hostile towards Israel. What’s their agenda and how is Israel responding to their agenda?
Here are twelve leading news sources of various political persuasions giving you news from Israel.

Kehila News Israel is more than just news from Israel. Their mission is to change the way the world views Israel, and to change the way Israel views Yeshua! They aim to counter media bias and present the truth! Kehila News brings you the news through the eyes of Messianic Jewish believers: How is biblical prophecy being fulfilled? Where are we in the prophetic timeline? This site also provides a window into the Messianic community in Israel.
The last news of this age:
Christ returns to the Mount of Olives
(Zech 14.4)

Breaking Israel News offers a fresh and Biblical perspective on the latest news from Israel and the Middle East. Its bias is not liberal nor conservative – just Biblical.
Covering: Jerusalem, Israeli defense (IDF), Zionism, aliyah, the West Bank, technology, health … Also: Middle East terror watch and informed comment.
Besides providing daily news from Israel on BreakingIsraelNews, Israel365 also promotes the beauty and religious significance of the Land of Israel. Written by Orthodox Jews living in Israel, Israel365 connects you to Israel 365 days of the year, and features stunning photographs alongside inspiring Biblical verses and other educational content. Their popular email newsletters go out each day to over 300,000 watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem. Israel365 is a “must see” site for Christians who have a love for Israel.
The Jerusalem Post, founded in 1932, is the leading Israeli English newspaper, and JPost.com is the No.1 English-language website covering Israel and the Jewish World.
Coverage: Israeli politics, elections, the Arab-Israeli conflict, Israeli technology, aliyah, culture, health, and informed opinion. This site also offers rare and extensive coverage of international Christian news.
Israel National News is packed full of Middle East and international news.
Articles covering events inside Israel, Israel’s defense, aliyah, technology, health and the Jewish world. Also wider topics, including the Middle East, the global agenda, and news from America.
The Jewish Press offers ‘news of the Jews, Israel and the World’. Wide-ranging news and comment on Israel, Egypt, Syria, the ‘Palestinian problem’, and the Middle East in general. Also news from wider afield, covering the US and global issues.
In-depth analysis and editorial. Also in-depth look at the Knesset and Judaism. Plenty of material for those who like a good read!
JerusalemONLINE gives daily TV news on Israel, the Middle East and the rest of the world. Watch for free Israel TV News, unbiased and to-the-point. This is Israel’s main newscast in English updated daily at 10 PM Jerusalem time, 3 PM New York time, 8 PM London time.
Enjoy many other great videos in the fields of culture video, history videos, tourism, finance, real-estate, lifestyle and more …
World Israel News presents readers with important news from Israel and around the world. News presented in a truthful and honest way. Whether its simply world news, or news specific to Israel, or the latest on the Arab-Israeli conflict or the latest Israeli innovation – its all here. News analysis is on their opinion page.
The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) provides the latest news from Israel, along with commentary. Based in Chicago, it was founded by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein to promote understanding and cooperation between Jews and Christians. To this end, IFCJ funds humanitarian aid to the needy in Israel and in Jewish communities around the world, and promotes prayer and advocacy on behalf of the Jewish state.
Combating Media Bias Against Israel
Honest Reporting believes that Israel is entitled to fair treatment by the world press according to the same standards applied to any other country. They believe that public opinion is significantly shaped by media coverage.
Please note: The following news sources have sometimes been accused of bias against Israel, link
BBC news from the Middle East and the world. Special Middle East reports e.g. the Islamic State Crisis, and oil reserves in East Mediterranean.
Also, useful ‘country profiles’ spanning most Middle East countries, including Israel.
CNN.com-middle-east is among the world’s leaders in online news and information delivery. Based in Atlanta, Georgia, CNN employs a global team of almost 4,000 news professionals and the latest multimedia technologies. Middle East news is delivered by extensive use of short videos.
Good News Snippets about Israel
New Gas Find in the Mediterranean
November 2019: Recent exploration of the Karish North gas field in the Mediterranean has found recoverable resources of 0.9 TCF (trillion cubic feet) of natural gas, plus 34 million barrels of light oil/condensate, link. Energean Israel is the Operator of the Karish and Tanin leases. These fields are world class assets and already hold 2.2 TCF of natural gas.
Israeli Intelligence helps the World
June 2019: “Israel has used its cyber intelligence capabilities to thwart around 50 ISIS terrorist attacks in dozens of countries worldwide. Israel shares information about cyber threats and attacks with 85 countries” [Benjamin Netanyahu, Cyber Conference, Tel Aviv]. Netanyahu reported that Israel foiled an ISIS plan of a mid-air explosion in a plane from Sydney to Abu Dhabi [The Times of Israel].
Archaeological Evidence
April 2019: Islam often denies Jewish links to the city of Jerusalem. But in 2019 a bulla (seal impression) and a 2,600-year-old stamp dating back to the First Temple and bearing Hebrew names were recently uncovered as part of the archaeological excavations in the City of David, link.
Israeli Anti-Drome system saves Gatwick Airport
December 2018: The British Army used an Israeli developed anti-drone system to end the drone attack on Gatwick Airport, UK. Rafael’s “Drone Dome” system uses its electro-optical sensors to jam the radio frequencies being used by the drone’s operator, making the drome inoperable and bringing it down. See also Israeli startup RoboTiCan.
US acknowledges UN Bias against Israel
In June 2018 the US Ambassador Nikki Haley announced her country’s decision to pull out of the UN Human Rights Council, noting its “chronic bias against Israel.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office called the US decision “courageous,” adding that it was “an unequivocal statement that enough is enough.”
Israel’s Bees Help the World
Honey bees are essential to the world’s food supply, but worldwide nectar flowers and honey bees are declining at an alarming rate. With 100,000 trees planted and 110,000 active beehives tended by 510 beekeepers, Israel is helping to protect against world hunger in the most unexpected way! [Report 2018]
Judea and Samaria are not “occupied”
The 2017 US State Department annual report on human rights dropped the term “occupied” when referring to Judea and Samaria. US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman advised the department in December to stop using the misleading term “occupied”. He remarked, “I think the settlements [in Judea and Samaria] are part of Israel, which was always the expectation when [UN] Resolution 242 was adopted.”
Stop Praying Please!
Following a severe drought threatening Israel’s water supply, Israel’s Chief Rabbi Lau called on the people of Israel to stop reciting the special prayer for rain following heavy storms and even snow in the north. Lau said ‘Praise God … the heavens opened up’ and urged people to now switch to a prayer requesting God to bless the land [Spring 2018].
Israel – a Powerful Innovator
Israel has been ranked among the top 10 most powerful and innovative countries in the world in two separate surveys published by major American media outlets [US News and World Report, January 2018]. The surveys measured strong international alliances, economic and political influence, and military might.
US President Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital
“I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Jerusalem is the capital the Jewish people established in ancient times … today Jerusalem is the seat of Israel’s government. That is why, consistent with the Jerusalem Embassy Act, I am also directing the State Department to begin preparations to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem” [President Donald Trump, December 6, 2017]
US Support for Israel
On the 70th anniversary of the UN vote calling for the creation of the Jewish state, US Vice-President Mike Pence said the US president is considering how and when to move the American Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to the Israeli capital, Jerusalem. “While Israel was built by human hands, it’s impossible not to see the hand of Heaven,” he said, quoting biblical sources. Quoting US Ambassador Nikki Haley, Pence added: “The days of Israel-bashing at the UN are over.”
Israeli Hi-Tech Success
During the 3rd quarter of 2017, foreign acquisition of Israeli startups reached $1.7BN, a 17-year-old quarterly record (Globes Business Daily, November 20, 2017). Over this quarter, Israel’s GDP grew at a 4.1% annual rate.
Israel offers help for Iran Quake
Israel is world-renowned for the IDF’s crack search and rescue unit. So when a 7.3-magnitude earthquake shook a mountainous Iranian border town in November 2017, Israel offered aid via the Red Cross. Benjamin Netanyahu said: “we have no quarrel with the people of Iran … our quarrel is only with the tyrannical regime that holds them hostage …”. Iran rejected the offer.
Dare to Speak the Truth
A Palestinian politician in an East Jerusalem Arab neighborhood has spoken out:
Living under Israeli rule is preferable to living under the Palestinian Authority [Ramadan Dabbash, October 2017]
Israel holds out hand of Peace to Iran
“I also have a message today for the people of Iran: You are not our enemy; you are our friends … One day, my Iranian friends, you will be free from the evil regime that terrorizes you … and when that day of liberation finally comes, the friendship between our two ancient peoples will surely flourish once again” [Benjamin Netanyahu, UN General Assembly, New York, 19 September 2017]
Jewish books survive Hurricane Harvey
In September 2017 a 12-member team of volunteers from the Israel-based ZAKA search and rescue organization was helping in Houston, Texas. They were helping clear peoples homes when one flood victim, Adrian, made an amazing discovery. Adrian said his house was now “a swampland”. The only items in the home miraculously untouched by the flood damage were his prized library of Jewish interlinear Hebrew/English texts and Bibles. He said “All my secular books were destroyed, but the pages of these books are still dry, still usable and without any mold.” Interesting!
Israeli software tracks Terrorists
In just two years (2015-16) over 300 people have been killed in Europe from just a handful of terrorist attacks. In contrast, in more than 300 attacks in Israel only 40 people have been killed. Because these are often ‘lone wolf’ attacks which are difficult to predict, Israel has developed methods of searching social media to obtain intelligence of prospective attacks. It’s not surprising that the EU has been looking towards Israel for help in this area.
US Senate Backs Israel
On 5 June 2017 the US Senate unanimously voted on Resolution 176 commemorating the 50th anniversary of Jerusalem’s reunification. This reaffirmed support for “Israel’s commitment to religious freedom and administration of holy sites in Jerusalem” and reaffirmed the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, which states that “Jerusalem should remain a united city, recognized as the capital of the State of Israel”. In May, Trump signed a temporary order to keep the US embassy in Israel in Tel Aviv instead of relocating it to Jerusalem. But a White House official said no timetable has been set: “The question is not if that move happens, but only when”.
Comment: The embassy move would endorse Israel’s claim that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital. Remember God’s promise to Israel: “I will bless those who bless you” (Genesis 12).
Donald Trump backs Jews and Christians
In contrast to the Obama administration, Trump is clearly pro-Israel. He has called Israel “America’s best and most reliable friend” and claimed that Israel is the only stable democracy in the region. Trump gets on well with Israel’s PM too: “You truly have a great prime minister in Benjamin Netanyahu”. In May 2017, Trump told Muslim leaders to “Stand against the persecution of Jews and the slaughter of Christians”. Yes – he does make mistakes, and he does make $100bn arms deals with Saudi Arabia, but this is surely something the pope should have said?
Czechs Support Israel
May 2017: The Czech Chamber of Deputies rejected the latest United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) resolution denying Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem and called on its government to respect the status of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. UNESCO had declared Israeli sovereignty and jurisdiction over Jerusalem “null and void.”
Israel’s Field Hospital is “No.1”
In November 2016 the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) awarded Israel its highest honor – type 3 certification. Israel is literally the only country in the world that has gained that high level of recognition. The United Nation’s World Health Organization (WHO) recognized the Israeli army’s field hospital, which is regularly sent abroad to provide aid at natural disaster sites, as “the number one in the world”, link. This is quite refreshing since the UN is generally biased against Israel.
Bad News Snippets about Israel
Every 2 minutes a new lie about Israel is spread online
UN Passes more Lies
November 2018: the UN passed six anti-Israel resolutions in just one day! One resolution attacked the Jewish people’s role in ensuring religious freedom in Jerusalem. A Jerusalem motion denied the fact that under Israeli administration of the city, members of all faiths have access to holy sites.
Palestinians End Recognition of Israel
October 2018: The Palestinian Central Council decided to end all commitments in the agreements the Palestine Liberation Organization has signed with Israel, to end security coordination and to revoke the Paris Economic Protocols which govern the economic cooperation with Israel. This ends all peace protocols with Israel. In short, the Palestinians are ending any recognition of Israel.
Kindergarten Attack
Summer 2018: Mortar shells fired from the Gaza Strip hit a kindergarten, in a Kibbutz on the Israeli side of the Israeli-Gaza border. “Shooting mortars at a preschool crosses a serious red line – we cannot allow terrorist organizations to hurt and undermine the security of the children and other residents of the ‘Gaza envelope’ towns” [Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein]. “Hamas is in charge in the Gaza Strip and it must pay the price” [Amir Peretz, former defense minister]
Southern Israel is Burning
Summer 2018: As a result of Hamas arson attacks, including ‘fire kites’ and ‘terror balloons’, southern Israel is burning. Also, rockets from Gaza are exploding daily, but the UN and most of the world blames Israel and denies Israel’s right to self-defense. In recent months hundreds of low-cost flaming kites have been sent over Israel’s fortified border to torch Israeli farmlands and forests. Some 2,250 acres of fields and nature reserves have been burned by flames stoked by Mediterranean winds, causing $2.5 million in damage [Knesset]. Such attacks now threaten to start a real war neither side wants.
Britain Disagrees with Israel
June 2018: A recent meeting revealed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and British premier Theresa May have opposite views on the Iran nuclear deal. The UK remains committed to the deal. They also disagreed on the violent riots in Gaza. May expressed “concern” over deaths in Gaza, whilst Netanyahu reminded her that “the problems [in Gaza] are rooted in the fundamental goal of Hamas to destroy Israel”. He said that “peaceful protests” were staffed by people “paid for and pushed by Hamas to try to break into Israel’s defenses and kill as many Israelis as they can”.
Germany – Jerusalem as NOT Israel’s capital
April 2018: Despite positive moves by America, Germany refused to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Germany argued that since the eastern part of Jerusalem that Israel occupied in 1967 contrary to international law is not part of Israel’s sovereign territory, then Israel cannot declare Jerusalem as its capital. Instead, the status of Jerusalem can be settled only through negotiations with the Palestinians. Sadly, Germany is misinterpreting the international law. Legally, there is no “occupation”.
Hezbollah-Israel War?
“The worst nightmare would be if there is a direct confrontation between Israel and Hezbollah. The level of destruction in Lebanon would be absolutely devastating” [UN Secretary-General Antonia Guterres, February 2018]. Israeli officials believe that the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah has amassed around 150,000 rockets, including a number of long range Iranian-made missiles capable of striking Israeli cities from north to south. Lebanon is turning into one big missile factory while much of the international community looks the other way [IDF].
France: Muslims IN – Jews OUT
November 2017: Right across France, city suburbs now demonstrate the process of Islamization as anti-Semitism increases. Between 2005-2015, there were 4,092 anti-Semitic attacks, and Jews are now threatened in their synagogues, schools, and in their homes. The Jewish skullcap (the ‘kippa’) is fast diapering from public view. In a suburb south of Paris, Kremlin-Bicêtre, with a population of 25,000 people, 25% now are Muslim. Until 1990, 10% of the population was Jewish; now it is 5%. It’s not surprising that some 20,000 Jews emigrated from France to Israel in the past three years (statistics: Worldisraelnews).
BBC finds it hard to acknowledge Jewish presence in Israel
A BBC Travel article focusing on the Israeli city of Caesarea initially read: “By 6AD, Caesarea was the capital of Roman Palestine … And, when the native people revolted against Roman rule between 66 and 70AD …” (BBC Travel, November 2017). Honest Reporting respectfully reminded the BBC that the “native people” were of course Jews. They also pointed out that by 6AD, Caesarea was the capital of the Roman province of Judea and was not known as “Roman Palestine” or “Palestine.” It was only later, in the year 135 AD that the Romans changed the name of the province to Syria Palaestina, probably in an attempt to suppress any Jewish connection to the land, link.
Serious threat from Hezbollah
November 2017: According to Israel’s High Level Military Group (HLMG), a war between Israel and the Hezbollah terror organization in Lebanon is inevitable and will likely be “more violent and destructive” than the previous conflicts. The Iranian-backed terrorist organization currently has a stockpile of over 130,000 rockets. These are embedded among the civilian population of Lebanon, a deliberate strategy which the defense experts say is a “war crime”. The HLMG report concludes; “There is no plausible legitimate explanation for Hezbollah’s efforts to arm itself and threaten Israel other than the explicit religiously motivated Iranian drive to destroy Israel.”
The EU Again Ignores the Legal Facts
In October 2017 the European Union issued a warning to Israel over approvals of new housing for Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria. The statement read; “All settlement activity is illegal under international law, and it undermines the viability of the two-state solution and the prospect for a lasting peace.”
Comment: Not true! Under international law Jewish settlements in the West Bank are LEGAL.
Iran Tweets Hatred
In June 2017, Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, tweeted, “fighting Zionist regime is fighting hegemonic arrogant system … there is no doubt that we will witness the demise of the Zionist entity”
Comment: Iran beware! The God of Israel says: “I will curse him who curses you” (Genesis 12.3).
Earthquake 2017
In June 2017, Israeli security forces and emergency rescue volunteers participated in a successful drill simulating a violent earthquake. Benjamin Netanyahu said ‘Earthquake 2017’ was part of Israel’s efforts to improve home front emergency preparedness. The ‘Syrian-African Rift’ is a fault line running from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea, up the Jordan River Valley and on to Syria and Turkey. Five minor earthquakes occurred in 2013 around the Sea of Galilee, link.
Comment: At the end of this age there will be a massive earthquake in the Jerusalem area as the Mount of Olives splits (Zech 14.4-5)
A Perfect Storm
“A perfect storm is brewing for Israel … Across every border Israel shares with its neighbours, within its borders, and far removed from them, a formidable range of threats – from damaging economic sanctions and international isolation, through murderous terrorist attacks, jihad insurgency and domestic insurrection, to the spectre of weapons of mass destruction and a nuclear Iran … a multi-faceted menace that jeopardizes the survival of the Jewish nation-state …”
[Michael Sherman, Jerusalem Post, 13-11-14]
UN thumps Israel
On America’s election day (Tuesday November 8, 2016) the United Nations General Assembly adopted 10 resolutions singling out Israel, with only 4 expected to be adopted later in the week for the entire rest of the world. One resolution falsely condemned Israel for ‘repressive measures’ against Syrian citizens on the Golan Heights. In contrast, not a single UN General Assembly resolution was planned that day for gross human rights abusers such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Venezuela, China, or Cuba.
Comment: This is another example of world, and particularly United Nations bias against Israel. According to the Bible, organisations like the UN who condemn Israel will be called to account.
More UN Bias against Israel
As the United Nation’s Special Rapporteur on the PA Territories, Richard Falk, compared Hamas terrorists to fighters with the French resistance during the Holocaust, link. Falk is co-author of a 2017 UN Report accusing Israel of being an “apartheid regime”, and he repeatedly condemns the Jewish State with calls for boycotts against the State of Israel, see Fred Skolnik.
Only One State is Possible – A Palestinian State
“There is a grave incompatibility between what Israel needs for its own well being and national military integrity, its right to settlements in the land of Israel, and what the Palestinians demand, which is a Palestinian state emptied of any Jews and which is not ready to recognize Israel as a Jewish state at all.”
[Professor Mordechai Nisan, Hebrew University of Jerusalem]
Iranian Threat to Tel Aviv
In the event of an Israeli strike against Iran, an Iranian spokesman said: “Our missiles can arrive into the heart of Tel Aviv and destroy it in 6 or 7 minutes …”
[Senior leadership, IRGC, February 2015]
EU on Jerusalem
“We need a Palestinian State – that is the ultimate goal and this is the position of all the European Union. Jerusalem can be and should be the capital of two states.”
[Frederica Mogherini, EU Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy]
EU Sanctions on Israel
The EU plans to impose crippling economic and cultural sanctions on Israel if she does not agree to unilaterally withdraw behind the 1949 Armistice lines. The plan is to punish Israel economically and to deprive this isolated democracy of its political legitimacy. Comment: the 1949 Armistice lines were never intended to be Israel’s border and were never internationally recognized as such, link.
Quotes against Israel
“Recognition (of a two-state solution) is not an Israeli bargaining chip, it’s a Palestinian right”
[Grahame Morris, Labour, UK Commons debate]
The Swedish Social Democratic Party is “pro-Arab, pro-Islam and anti-Israel”
[Isaac Bachman, Israel’s Ambassador to Sweden]
“We will build an Islamic state in Palestine, all of Palestine”
[Mahmoud al-Zahar, Hamas official, West Bank]
World News & the Bible
Those who follow world news may observe that much of it is already in Bible prophecy! So here we take major news items, especially Middle East news, and see what the Bible has to say about them.
UK EU REFERENDUM 2016: In the Spring of 2016 the British Prime Minister David Cameron fought a ‘battle for Britain’ with the EU. Cameron sought a “new settlement” for Britain in the EU in terms of controlling welfare payments to EU immigrants, restrictions on EU nationals getting in-work benefits in the UK, and changing treaties to alter the basic EU principle of “ever closer union”. This principle is written into the EU Treaties with the objective of creating a single state. Where is that state heading? Don’t believe the politicians – according to Bible prophecy there is something dark being formed! Also, the fact that negotiations were long and protracted highlights a fundamental weakness in the EU: the lack of cohesion between the 28 member states. This lack of cohesion and the drive for a single, dominating state can be seen in prophecy. Click the map for more.
TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE: On September 27-28, 2015 many parts of the world experienced a total lunar eclipse, link. The moon turns blood-red in color as the red-end of the suns light spectrum is refracted round the earth and towards the moon. Such events are not rare (there are 85 total lunar eclipses between 2000 and 2100, link) but they are rare when four consecutive lunar eclipses are all total eclipses (a tetrad). And many attach even more significance to them when all four eclipse dates align with Jewish Festival dates, as they did in 2014/15, link. Is God pointing the world to look at Israel? The Bible uses blood-red moons as a warning to Israel and to the world:
The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes (Joel 2.30,31)
TERRORISM: 2015 saw major attacks on France, including the Charlie Hebdo attack in January and 130 killed in November, link. In October 2015 a Russian airliner was blown up, killing 224 people. Russia’s FSB security service said, “We can unequivocally say it was a terrorist act”, link. Also in October, a Chatham House think tank report warned of a growing risk of a “serious cyber attack” on nuclear power plants, link, link. In the context of the end of this age, the Bible says:
Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold (Mat 24.12)
THE IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL: Leading world powers have celebrated the Iran Nuclear Deal which agreed that Iran’s enrichment capacity, enrichment level and stockpile will be limited and that Iran would redesign, convert, and reduce its nuclear facilities, link. But after the deal, in August 2015, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded, link:
The nuclear deal with Iran does not block Iran’s path to the bomb, it paves Iran’s path to the bomb
He may well be right. Previously hidden documents reveal that key restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program will ease around 2025. Iran will then be able replace its 5,060 inefficient centrifuges with up to 3,500 advanced machines, halving the time Tehran would need to build a bomb, link. Couple this with Iran’s threats to Israel, such as “The army of Iran can by itself destroy Israel“, [Iranian Army Commander, 2013]), then we have a strong possibility of nuclear war in the Middle East. The Bible texts suggests that this will happen:
“For behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace, and all the arrogant and every evildoer shall be stubble; and the day that is coming shall set them on fire,” says the Lord of hosts, “so that it will leave them neither root nor branch. But for you who fear My name the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go forward and leap like calves from the stall. You will trample the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I do this,” says the Lord of hosts (Malachi 4.1-3)
IRAN & RUSSIA: Also in 2015, Iran strengthened military ties with Russia, and Russian S-300 missiles will be delivered to Tehran, link, link. Iran also sought cooperation with Russia in banking and energy, link. Bible prophecy sees Russia and Iran as leading a major attack on Israel at the end of this age:
I am against you, O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal (probably Russia)… I will lead you out … Persia (Iran), Ethiopia, and Libya are with them … You will come up against My people Israel … in the latter days I will bring you against My land (Ezek 38)
ISIS THREAT: In 2015 a 32-page ISIS document written in Urdu and calling for open warfare against non-Muslims has been uncovered in Pakistan by the American Media Institute and authenticated by retired US Defense Intelligence Agency, link. It proclaims “Accept the fact that this caliphate will survive and prosper until it takes over the entire world and beheads every last person that rebels against Allah”, link. ISIS particularly targets Christians, link. Bible prophecy foresees this: in the context of a warning to Christians, the Bible says
An hour is coming for everyone who kills you to think that he is offering service to God. These things they will do to you because they have not known the Father or Me (Jn 16.2)
CLIMATE CHANGE PARIS AGREEMENT: The 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change came into force in November 2016. The agreement’s central aim is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise this century to below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5°C, link.
Will it work? When the Agreement came into force many countries still had to ratify it, link. Moreover, many scientists disagree with the underlying science, link, claiming man can do little about climate change. The fact is that human activity (generation of CO2, Methane, Nitrous Oxide …) totals to just 0.28% of the total greenhouse gases, link, so how can man-made CO2 have any measurable affect? Water vapour makes up 95% of the greenhouse effect. At the end of the day, some scientists argue that climate change depends upon the sun, not CO2, link, link.
More importantly, can man ignore God and still save the world – God’s world? In the context of the end of this age, the Bible says:
The earth mourns and dries up, and the crops waste away and wither. Even the greatest people on earth waste away … a curse consumes the earth; its people must bear their guilt. Therefore earth’s inhabitants are burned up, and very few are left (Isa 24.4,6) … on the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea (Lk 21.25)