Middle East War in Bible Prophecy


Israel is rarely out of the news. But comments from politicians and the media about Israel are generally negative, and they invariably miss the fundamental issues. The truth is that the tension over Israel (and particularly over Jerusalem) has deep spiritual roots. That’s why future conflicts over Israel are detailed in Bible prophecy. According to prophecy, at least two major conflicts occur in the foreseeable future, and both are defeated by the God of Israel.

The first invasion of Israel appears to come from an alliance of Islamic nations in the Middle East (specifically Iran and Turkey), and all probably led by Russia. This is the so-called Gog-Magog war detailed in Ezekiel’s prophecy. Some form of alliance between Russia, Iran and Turkey is already visible.

The last invasion (amassed in a place called Armageddon) appears to involve ‘all nations’ of the world working under a Satanically inspired world government. Such government appears to be Europe-based and many see a notable absence of America from such events! Prophecy and current events suggest that China is also a key player.

Prophecy indicates that, between these two major wars, Israel is invaded by the prophesied ‘world ruler’. This despicable person sets up what Jesus referred to as the the ‘abomination of desolation’ in the (new) Jewish temple. All these events are at the very end of this age and may span less than ten years. The good news is that, despite great trauma, a remnant of Jews survive and go on into a ‘millennial earth’.

Possible Timeline The timing of these momentous events is much debated. However, a ‘dispensational’ view of such events based upon Daniel’s 70th Week tends to align well with current world events, and a possible timeline is as follows:

  • Resurrection and rapture of the (true) church as Christ returns ‘in the clouds’
  • Revealing of the end-time world dictator and the Antichrist (the two beasts of Rev 13)
  • The Gog-Magog war and Christ’s victory: Israel starts to recognize her true Messiah
  • Start of the 70th week: World dictator makes a (false) seven-year covenant with Israel
  • The Gog-Magog war (alternative timing)
  • The covenant is broken ‘mid-week’ and the world dictator sits in the Jewish temple
  • The ‘great tribulation’ of Israel (Jacob’s trouble) under the world dictator (first beast of Rev 13)
  • Amassing of the world’s armies against Jerusalem under the world dictator
  • Christ’s destruction of the beast’s armies (Armageddon)
  • Israel mourns as she looks to Christ: only a remnant survives and is saved
  • The return of Christ to earth and the start of the Kingdom age


Jump to Gog-Magog WarArmageddonSeals, Trumpets & BowlsSpiritual Root

Get Real: Middle East War on Israel is Imminent

Remember: The root-cause of all aggression against Israel is spiritual

HAMAS in Gaza: Since Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005, terrorists have fired more than 15,000 rockets and mortars into Israel from Gaza [IDF, 2016]. And after Israel’s ceasefire with Hamas in August 2014, it is estimated that Hamas restocked its missile arsenal to about 12,000 rockets. Subsequent Israeli military operations reduced this to about 6,000 [Haaretz, 2019]. Some of these are long-range (200 km) rockets. Meanwhile, the civilian population in Gaza continues to suffer from poor conditions.

HEZBOLLAH in Lebanon: Hezbollah is the world’s most heavily armed non-state actor, and has been described as “a militia trained like an army and equipped like a state.” As of 2016 it was estimated that Hezbollah had stockpiled some 130,000 rockets and had the capability to launch 1,500 rockets/day at Israel, link, link. Some of these have 400 km range and so can reach all Israel. Hezbollah also has at least 45,000 trained fighters [IDF]. Remember, orders to Hezbollah come from Tehran!

RUSSIA, IRAN & TURKEY: These countries are emerging as the real power brokers in the Syrian conflict and seek a political settlement. Both Russia and Iran have supported Assad and the Syrian Arab Army. Russia has a military base at Tartus (Syria) and Iran has provided financial aid, armaments and intelligence to Syria. There is geopolitical concern from Turkey, partly because Turkey supports all the Syrian rebel groups with the aim of removing Assad. Despite the political friction, the emergence of these three power brokers is surely biblically significant! Russia, Iran and Turkey are the key players in the coming Gog-Magog war against Israel (Ezek 38.2-6). And they are all north of Israel, as required in prophecy.

ISIS – ISIL: ISIL means “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant”. Where is the Levant? It covers all of Israel, and more. ISIL aims to replace the State of Israel with an Islamic state – a caliphate. In fact “IS” dreams of a world-wide caliphate!


Major Prophecies about Middle East War

middle east war

Israel’s Iron Dome Defense System. Image: IDF and Nehemiya Gershoni Flickr, CC-BY-SA-3.0

Bible prophecy describes how the increasing political bias of western nations, and the increasing aggression of Arab-Muslim nations finally leads to a major end-time war against Israel. In fact, since prophecy here is not precise, many see several major Middle East wars just before the close of this age and the Second Coming of Christ. Let’s summarize the key points in Bible prophecy:

  • Any major future aggression against Israel, including invasions to eliminate Israel, will be defeated by the God of Israel. The nation of Israel survives into the Millennial Age, and beyond
  • There will be an alliance of invading nations – mainly an Arab-Islamic alliance, possibly led by Russia. This is commonly referred to as the ‘Gog-Magog War’
  • At the very end of this age an army from ‘all-nations’ will invade Israel – commonly referred to as ‘the Battle of Armageddon’. It will be defeated at the Second Coming of Christ
  • These end-time wars will usher in a time of peace and justice on the earth under the firm rule of Christ. Some refer to this as the ‘Millennial Age’, when “nation will not lift up sword against nation”
  • Key prophecies concerning end-time invasions of Israel are Ps 83, Isa 17, Jer 49, Ezek 38,39, Zech 12,14, Joel 3, Mal 4, Mat 24, and Rev 16,19,20
  • Psalm 83 speaks of an alliance of Arab-Islamic nations (see later)
  • Zech 12, Zech 14, Joel 3, Rev 16 and Rev 19 appear to describe a final ‘all-nation’ invasion of Israel which is defeated at Christ’s Second Coming. Prophecy refers to this time as ‘The Great Day of God’, or ‘The Day of the Lord’, and it is commonly referred to as ‘the Battle of Armageddon’
  • Revelation 20 speaks of the very final war on this earth, at the end of a millennial age
  • The prophecies of Ezek 38 and Ezek 39 are much debated, link, link. If they refer to the same invasion, they probably speak of a Russian-Islamic invasion of Israel prior to Armageddon. The timing of this invasion is probably around the start of Daniel’s 70th Week, and certainly before the final ‘all nation’ invasion (see later)
  • The weapons referred to in the above prophecies are those familiar to historic Israel. Future wars appear to use today’s advanced weapons (see later)

Amalek: Everlasting Trouble for Israel
A Source of the next Middle East War

Many Israelis see the historical tribe of Amalek as a source of today’s aggression against Israel.

A Little History: Hostility against Israel came from the descendants of Esau. When Esau realized the folly of giving up his birthright to Jacob, he still sought some sort of blessing from his father Isaac. But Isaac replied:

Behold, away from fertility of the earth shall be your dwelling … by your sword you shall live (Gen 27.39,40)

Note that, unlike Ishmael, Esau did not get a blessing. Rather, he was assigned a place ‘away from fertility’. So his descendants moved away to Edom (an area east of today’s Arava Valley and part of today’s Jordan, link). Despite the reconciliation of Jacob and Esau recorded in Gen 33, the Edomites generally remained hostile towards the Israelites. For instance, they refused to permit the Israelites to pass through their land, even threatening them with the sword (Num 20.18). Instead, the Israelites were forced to go via the wilderness (Deut 2:8). This ‘everlasting enmity and fury’ (Ezek 35.5)(Amos 1.11) from Mount Seir (Edom) towards Israel drew judgement from God:

You will be a desolation, O Mount Seir, and all of Edom (Ezek 35.15)

Edom as a nation was subsequently destroyed by invaders and, according to Jewish Encyclopaedias, the Edomites were incorporated into the Jewish people (Herod was an Edomite). And when the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD Edom disappeared into Rome. So has the aggression from Esau stopped? Some think not, and maintain that one of the two nations in Rebecca’s womb was to have everlasting enmity towards Israel (Ezek 35.5 NASB). Note that Esau had a grandson Amalek (Gen 36.12), and the Amalekites were enemies of ancient Israel. God commanded King Saul to ‘utterly destroy’ the Amalekites for their aggression against Israel (1 Sam 15.3-7). But they were not completely destroyed by Saul.

So today, many Israeli’s regard their adversaries as ‘Amalek’, either in reality or in symbolism. They claim Iran and its Proxies are the Amalek of today, link.

Setting the Scene for Middle East War

Let’s take just a few serious examples:

UN BIAS AGAINST ISRAEL: GENEVA, July 23, 2014: The Palestinian ambassador to the UNHRC, together with Iran, Syria, Egypt, Cuba and Venezuela try to silence UN Watch Executive Director Hillel Neuer during a UN Emergency Session on Gaza. Neuer defends Israel’s right to resist Hamas aggression. The council voted 29 to 1 (USA), with 17 abstentions, to condemn Israel.

UK BIAS AGAINST ISRAEL: The British Foreign Office (FO) has shown political bias against Israel since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. The FO has repeatedly prevented the Queen from visiting the only democracy in the Middle East – Israel. During her reign, the Queen has made over 250 official overseas visits to 129 different countries, but she has never been to Israel on an official visit, link. It seems the UK does not wish to upset her Arab friends!

ISLAMIC HATRED OF ISRAEL: Israel has been in continuous conflict with her neighbours since the birth of the State of Israel in 1948. Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement) does not recognize Israel’s right to exist and has the goal of destroying Israel through Jihad. The 1988 Hamas Charter says ‘Islam will obliterate Israel’. It is true that the revised Hamas Charter (2017) appears to have softened the Hamas approach to Israel e.g. “Jews” are described as “occupiers” rather than as “enemies” and Israel’s 1967 borders are recognized, link. But the revised charter does not include recognition of the State of Israel and the underlying objective is still to replace the Jewish state with an Islamic caliphate, link. So much of the conflict between Israel and the Arab-Islamic nations is over Israel’s very existence:

We must constantly repeat that the root of the conflict is the very existence of the State of Israel, the refusal to recognize the State of Israel in any borders whatsoever [Benjamin Netanyahu, 2012]


ISIS (ISIL, IS) HATES ISRAEL: ISIS stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and is also known as ISIL or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The Levant embraces all of Israel. ISIS later changed its name to “Islamic State (IS)” with the ultimate aim of a global caliphate. This is to be achieved through indescribable acts of global terrorism. Since ISIS arose in the Euphrates region in Iraq, link, some see ISIS as the demonic activity associated with the sounding of the sixth trumpet in the book of Revelation:

Then the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, one saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” And the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released, so that they would kill a third of mankind. (Rev 9.13-15)

Clearly, this is the ultimate global war and attempts the elimination of Israel. ISIS has declared jihad against all infidels, especially Jews and Christians.

Two Major Wars against Israel

The increasing political and media bias against Israel (particularly from the UN), and the increasing aggression of Arab-Muslim nations towards Israel, finally leads to major Middle East war against Israel. Some see more than one major war given the detailed prophetic scenarios:

The “Gog-Magog War”: Bible prophecy indicates that the first of these wars is what may be conveniently called the Gog-Magog War. This appears to be essentially a Russian-led Islamic invasion of Israel from the north. The Islamic nations are drawn from those geographically close to Israel, notably Iran. Other nations (particularly the West) do not appear to be involved. Observation of current world events suggest that this invasion of Israel is imminent.

The so-called “Battle of Armageddon”: A short time later (a few years) the Gog-Magog war is followed by a second and final major invasion of Israel. This is often incorrectly referred to as the Battle of Armageddon. In fact, Armageddon (Hebrew: Har Megiddon) refers to the geographic location of this war in northern Israel. This invasion involves ‘all nations’ and is distinct from other wars. It is essentially a man-God war as the world’s armies gather together in the northern plains of Israel to war against the returning Christ and His armies (Rev 19:19).

Both major invasions are defeated by the God of Israel.

The Beast’s War on the Jews in Israel

Between two major wars against Israel (Gog-Magog and Armageddon) the World Ruler invades Israel

A common prophetic interpretation is that a secular world ruler will emerge right at the end of this age. He is the ‘prince who shall come’ in Daniel 9.26, the ‘lawless one’ in 2 Thes 2.8, the ‘beast from the sea’ in Rev 13.1 and the ‘beast’ in Rev 19.20. This despicable person creates ‘the great tribulation’ described in Mat 24.21 – essentially a tribulation of the Jews in Israel. It is the time of Jacob’s trouble (Jer 30.7) when two thirds of the Jews in Israel will perish but a remnant comes through refined (Zech 13.8,9).

Many take the ‘beast from the sea’ (the sea of humanity) to be the Antichrist. Others identify the ‘beast from the earth’ (Rev 13.11) to be the Antichrist i.e. anti-Christ, and the beast from the sea as a false god i.e. anti-God. Note that the latter is against God (Rev 13.6) and sets himself up as God (2 Thes 2.4)(Dan 11.36). With this view, the world ruler aligns better with anti-God than with anti-Christ, and the ‘ecclesiastical’ beast of Rev 13.11 aligns well with the Papacy and the apostate church. Certainly, Wycliffe, Luther, Calvin, Tyndale, Bunyan, Huss, Knox, Edwards and Wesley associated the Papacy with the Antichrist and this teaching gave rise to the Protestant Reformation. The secular world ruler could emerge from the final form of the European Union – the so-called Revived Roman Empire. More at World Government.

Israel Invaded – the ‘Abomination of Desolation’

We find a description of the world ruler’s activities in Daniel chapter 11. Much of this chapter describes his archetype, Antiochus IV, who invaded the Jewish temple in Jerusalem c168 BC, stopped the Jewish daily sacrifices and set up the ‘abomination of desolation’ spoken of in Dan 11.31. The abomination was a pig on the Jewish altar. So much for history. From Daniel 11.36 onwards the text blurs the historical Antiochus into prophecy of a second and even more despicable ‘Antiochus’ – the end-time secular world ruler. He rules the nations during the last half of Daniel’s 70th week or 1260 days (Dan 12.7). This is the great tribulation period at the very end of this age (Mat 24.21)(Rev 7.14). Daniel 11.40 stresses the point: it is ‘at the end time’.


Following the activities of Antiochus IV, the world ruler uses military force to enter Israel (Dan 11.41). He breaks a 7-year covenant with the Jews mid-term, invades Jerusalem and puts a stop to (re-instated) Jewish sacrifices (Dan 9.27). He even sets up his ‘palace’ near Jerusalem and sitting in the (new) temple proclaims himself to be ‘God’ (Dan 11.36, 2 Thes 2.4). The world ruler conquers other Middle Eastern countries, including Egypt, but fails to conquer Edom. This is interesting. The Edomites were a Transjordan tribe whose territory was between Petra and the Red sea. Petra was a prominent city in Edom, accessible only through a narrow canyon within cavernous mountain walls. Is this the ‘wilderness place’ where Israel flees to during the great tribulation?

But the two wings of the great eagle were given to the woman (Israel), so that she could fly into the wilderness to her place, where she was nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent (Rev 12.14)

Bad News for the World Ruler

Here’s where Daniel’s prophecy blurs. It appears that some nations rebel against the world ruler (Dan 11.40-45) especially nations from the east and north (v44). This may be a reference to a large army from the east (China?) crossing a dried-up Euphrates river (Rev 16.12). The details are not revealed to Daniel but this could be setting the scene for the final war of this age located in the large plain in northern Israel – Armageddon (Heb: Har-Magedon).

And they gathered them together to the place which in Hebrew is called Har-Magedon (Rev 16.16)

Whilst it is a world war against Israel (see below) it is primarily a world war against Christ and His armies. The outcome is certain:

And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies assembled to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. And the beast was seized … (and) thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone (Rev 16.19,20)

Seals, Trumpets and Bowls!

Middle East war

We cannot discuss end-time wars against Israel without asking; “Where do the Seals, Trumpets and Bowls of the book of Revelation fit in?” Let’s take the futuristic view of prophecy, where the events discussed probably occur just before or during the last i.e. 70th week of Daniel’s prophecy (Dan 9.24-27). This approach to prophetic interpretation fits well with the observed world scenario today.

Traumatic Times for a Rebellious World

The exact chronology of the events in this brief but traumatic time of history is not revealed in the book of Revelation. There are different prophetic interpretations here, but at the outset it is clear that they are mostly literal events. They describe in detail God’s judgments upon a godless, rebellious world and run parallel in time to “the great tribulation” of Israel (Mat 24.21). Here we have a few years of unparalleled trouble in the world – a world suffering the tyranny of a Satanically inspired world government, widespread war, famine, martyrdom and death (Rev 6).

A possible chronology of these events is shown in Figure 1 (p27) of Daniel’s Seventieth Week. This figure spans about seven years – the last seven years of this age (Daniel’s 70th week) just prior to the return of Christ. It assumes that the true church is taken up (raptured) to be with Christ around the middle of the week. Alternatively – based on prophecies like Rev 3.10, Mat 24.36-44 and 2 Thes 2.7,8 – many see the rapture of the true church prior to the opening of the first seal.

It is probable that both the Gog-Magog war and the last end-time war at Armageddon take place around these last seven years. The Gog-Magog war may occur just before this seven year period. With the defeat of Russia and Islamic forces, the way will be open for the Satanically inspired, secular world ruler (first seal, Rev 6.2). He will go out to ‘conquer’ and his military might (Rev 13.4) results in the death of one quarter of the world’s population (fourth seal, Rev 6.8). Then, at the sixth trumpet, a third of the remaining world population is killed through what appears to be another major war involving a huge army from the east (Rev 9.13-19, 16.12). This last war is called by the Hebrew name, ‘Armageddon’ (Rev 16.16). Note that, overall, this short period of trauma appears to result in the death of half of the world population! Finally, we see the return of Christ at the seventh trumpet (Rev 11.15).

The Very Last War on Earth:
The Post-Millennial Gog-Magog Invasion

If Ezek 38 refers to a different war to Ezek 39, then Ezek 38 may refer to the post-Millennial Gog-Magog invasion of Israel:

When the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison, and will come out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war; the number of them is like the sand of the seashore. And they came up on the broad plain of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city, and fire came down from heaven and devoured them. (Rev 20.7-9)

Certainly, Israel will be at peace and live securely throughout the Millennium with no need for military forces (Ezek 38.8,11). Swords will be beat into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks, and “nation will not lift up sword against nation” (Isaiah 2:4). Today’s weapons will be a thing of the past in the Millennium and primitive weapons (as in Ezek 38.4,5) may return.

But it is more probable that the post-Millennial Gog-Magog invasion of Israel is distinct from the war in Ezekiel 38-39. Recall that Christ will rule the Millennial world “with a rod of iron” (Rev 12.5). Why? Because the Millennial nations will still have a rebellious heart. For example, they will need a “carrot and stick” approach to worshiping Christ in Jerusalem (Zech 14.17-19). If they fail to worship then rain is withheld. It is not surprising therefore that all nations readily respond to evil once Satan is released. Note that, unlike the war in Ezek 38-39, no specific nations are mentioned. In Revelation 20, “Gog and Magog” appears to be a general reference to all the rebellious nations “in the four corners of the earth”, link. The point has been made for the last time: mankind is basically sinful and needs salvation in Christ.

The good news is that, as before, the God of Israel responds by protecting Israel and destroying the invaders. And Satan is forever prevented from influencing mankind (Rev 20.10).

A Possible Timeline

There are many interpretations of the end time events described in Bible prophecy. But the popular futurist and pre-tribulation views of prophecy align well with the current world scenario and suggest the following timeline. It is concentrated around the last week of Daniel’s 70-week prophecy (just seven years):

  • saints are resurrected and the true church is removed (‘raptured’) from the earth (Mat 24.36-44)
  • the Gog-Magog war and humiliation of the Arab-Islamic nations (Ezek 38)
  • Israel realizes that her God has defeated the invader (Ezek 39.22,29)
  • the world ruler (false messiah) is revealed (2 Thes 2.3)
  • start of week 70: the world ruler makes a (false) covenant or treaty with Israel (Dan 9.27a)
  • mid-week: the world ruler invades Israel and the Jewish temple (Dan 9.27b, 2 Thes 2.4)
  • Israel realizes she has made ‘a covenant with hell’ (Isa 28.15)
  • the world enters a few years of unparalleled trouble (wars, famine, death and martyrdom)
  • Israel in particular suffers in the ‘great tribulation’ (Jer 30.7, Mat 24.15-28)
  • the world ruler gathers all nations for war against Israel (Armageddon) (Rev 19.19)
  • Jerusalem and Judah will be the focus of the invaders (Zech 12.2-3, 14.2)
  • Israel suffers heavy losses and only 1/3 of the population survives (Zech 13.8,9)
  • God pours His Spirit upon Israel as she cries to the LORD for help (Joel 2.28-32)
  • God strengthens Israel (Judah in particular) to defend Jerusalem (Zech 12.4-9)
  • Ultimately, it is Christ and the armies from heaven who defeat the invading armies (Rev 19.20,21)
  • Christ gathers all nations together in the Valley of Jehoshaphat, to judge them (Joel 3.2)
  • Christ rules the millennial world from Jerusalem (Zech 14.8,9)
  • In subsequent years, the Gentile nations go up to worship Christ in Jerusalem (Zech 14.16)
  • After 1,000 years Satan is released to again deceive the nations – the ‘final’ Gog-Magog war (Rev 20.1-2, 7-10)

For an in-depth discussion of end time events and the ‘world ruler’ see world government.

The Spiritual Root of all Middle East Wars against Israel

Yes – there is a root cause, a single principal cause, and it is not political or ideological. According to the Bible, the nations will be in virtually continuous conflict with the State of Israel until Christ returns, and future Middle East war against Israel is certain. In fact, aligning prophecies in Ezekiel with the present world scene, the world is on the brink of another major Middle East war against Israel. But why? What is the real reason for yet another war? Revelation 12 makes it clear that the underlying problem is spiritual, not political: the conflict is between Israel, God’s servant, and Satanic powers:

the dragon (Satan) persecuted the woman (Israel) who gave birth to the male Child (Jesus) … the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went off to make war with the rest of her children
(Rev 12.13,17)

This key text identifies Israel’s conflicts with the spiritual entity Satan. It clearly states how Satan hates Israel and those who are blessed through her. According to the Bible, Israel is God’s chosen witness and servant in the world, and through Israel came the Messiah, Jesus Christ (Isa 43.10, Gen 22.18, Gal 3.16). So Satan hates the witness (Jews) and all who follow Christ (Christians). The Gentile nations and their armies are merely pawns in the hands of Satanic powers! Even Israel will be deceived into accepting a false peace treaty.

Israel’s Divine Protection

Israeli tank, Golan Heights, 1973

Israeli tank on the Golan Heights during the Yom Kippur War. Enlarge
Image: CIA, Wikimedia Commons

Those who reject the biblical/spiritual explanation of the world’s hatred towards Israel will find the puzzle of Israel difficult to solve. Although Israel was scattered throughout the nations for some 2500 years, it is amazing that somehow a remnant of the nation has always survived. Today we see many of the world’s 14 million Jews now regathered in Israel. Moreover, they have been, and always will be, protected by their true Messiah – Christ, the ‘Lion of Judah’. Consider the following facts:

The 1948-49 War of Independence: As soon as the Jewish State was born, she was invaded by five Arab armies (Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq). The Arabs had no difficulty obtaining all the arms they needed, whilst Israel had only a newly formed and ill-equipped defense force (the IDF). Even so, the Israelis managed to successfully defend themselves in virtually all battlefields, link, and at the end of the war Israel held territory beyond the boundaries set by the 1947 UN Partition Plan.

The 1967 Six-Day War: In the Six-Day War, the armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon (and later Iraq) attacked Israel. Their goal was “to wipe Israel off the map”. Israel defeated the attack even though the Arab armies had huge superiority in armour, aircraft and troops. After the war Israel held the Sinai, the Golan Heights, Gaza, the West Bank and all of Jerusalem.

The 1973 Yom Kippur War: Egypt and Syria launched another attack on Israel in an attempt to regain the territory Israel had acquired in her defensive war of 1967. Their armies launched a joint surprise attack on the Jewish Yom Kippur holiday, with Egyptian forces in Sinai and Syrian forces in the Golan Heights. Although Israel failed to see this war coming and suffered heavy casualties, she eventually retained the Golan Heights and Sinai, link (Israel withdrew from Sinai in 1982).

God’s Protection: In all three wars, Israel was either relatively poorly armed or surprised and ill-prepared. Either way, Israel repulsed the attacks and we must ask ourselves, ‘How was that possible?’ The biblical answer is that the God of Israel protected her, as in the following texts:

Whoever assails you will fall because of you … no weapon that is formed against you will prosper
(Isa 54.15,17)
I will be a wall of fire around her … he who touches you, touches the apple of (the Lord’s) eye
(Zech 2.5,8)

This protection extends to all future wars against Israel, as in the Gog-Magog war:

I will send fire upon Magog and those who inhabit the coast lands in safety; and they will know that I am the LORD
(Ezek 39.6)

Did God Protect Israel against ISIS? Early December 2016 a strange storm cloud (dust and rain) put a barrier between Israel and ISIS. Reports say the storm stopped on the border of Syria and was ‘unable’ to enter Israel’s Golan Heights area. Many believe God intervened on behalf of Israel, to prevent ISIS from entering Israel, link.

A Final Thought. At the end of this age we find confirmation of the root cause of conflicts with Israel and the root cause of the persecution of the Jews. Jesus referred to a future time of ‘great tribulation’ for Israel (Mat 24.15-28), driven by a world dictator (Dan 9.27). The point here is that this despicable person is merely the human arm of Satan: “the dragon (Satan) gave him his power” (Rev 13.2). This confirms that the root cause of conflicts with Israel is hatred from Satan. It is a spiritual war. But the politicians cannot see it!

The Implications for YOU

End time prophecies are being fulfilled before our eyes; the emergence of a World Government, the emergence of Israel, the emergence of electronic ID, and the ubiquitous climate change. You are being swept into a humanistic, godless and potentially brutal World Government or New World Order. Sooner or later this system will require you to receive the mark of Revelation (the ultimate electronic ID) in order to buy or sell. And because of its hatred towards the God of the Bible, Christians and Jews, this world system will conspire against Israel. National armies will be mobilized for war against Israel. You may even be asked to have some part in this invasion.

Observe the Times

The turmoil in the Middle East and the anger against Israel are signs that an invasion will take place in the foreseeable future. Within just 100 years Israel has gone from insignificance to the vortex of the world. The significant point is that when the final invasion starts Jesus will return to earth – to Jerusalem. In fact, there is strong biblical support for the view that Christians (believers in Christ) will be taken from the earth prior to the emergence of the World Dictator and the coming world wars.




Photo credits:

Source of map image showing ancient Magog, Meshech, Put, Cush, Persia: SignPosts of the Times

Iranian leaders: credit: SS&SS / Foter / CC BY-NC

Russian soldiers: credit: Bohan Shen_沈伯韩 / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA

Turkish troops: credit: PH1 Timm Duckworth, USN. / Foter / Public Domain Mark 1.0

Burning mountain: credit: DanDawson / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA



  1. Armageddon will happen in Jerusalem I believe, it’s a war and then Jesus comes back, he will rule in The New Jerusalem with believers! I come not to bring Peace but a sword!”

  2. God bless the righteous man who calls upon the Lord for help in times of trouble. Hashem will make a way speedily to aid. There is NO victory like the victory aided by the Lord. Hallelujah!

  3. I was born in 1950, and my grand Aunt Mattie longed to see this day coming. When I heard that Iran is preparing to supply Russia with weapons-capable drones…it hit me. I’m watching the Ukraine war showing the world the beginning of the end prophecy unfolding right before my eyes. I thought I would be in my grave long before this amazing promise of God would come to be, and how wonderful to know the Father is holding it all together, therefore I don’t have to worry. Praising God, the King is coming.

      1. Amen, We have to pray for our protection and we have to pray for our holy place Isriel.

  4. The war of armageddon does not exist, it is the meeting place of the armed forces in the famous plain of mageddon (megido). This is a false interpretation of the texts of the Tanak. A single war will suffice, that of Gog so that 1/3 of humanity remains.

    1. That’s already explained on the site. You misinterpreted this essay. It’s already been established that armageddon is a place.

    1. We see the next major war in the Middle East as being led by Russia and Iran. See https://www.factsaboutisrael.uk/war-of-gog-magog/. Given the political situation it seems imminent. After that it seems the Antichrist will reign for 7 years. The final world war of this age follows shortly after 7 years and appears to be a man-God war involving all gentile nations. It is targeted against Israel. See https://www.factsaboutisrael.uk/armageddon/. We believe you can escape these awful times by trusting in Yeshua (Jesus) as your Saviour. See https://www.factsaboutisrael.uk/mystery-of-jesus/. The Bible indicates that believers will be taken out of the world before these awful end-times.

  5. Dear Pastors
    Please guide us on how the armaggeddon will happen, and how and when it will rid the world of corruption,diabolism and utter backwardness in the world.
    Thanking you
    Yours sincerely
    Pradeep kumar

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