See the Future – Look to Israel

Israel will be the vortex of future world events

The God of Israel controls the future. Here’s what the God of Israel says:

I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’ From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that I will bring about; what I have planned, that I will do.
(Isaiah 46: 10-11)

Israel's future

One of the most fascinating aspects about the people of Israel is their sacred book (which we call the Bible) and its mind-boggling prophecies. These are God-inspired predictions of events declared long before they happened, written by people who lived ages before the concerned generation even came into being. What people and what God does this? In a world of many religions, one cannot help but be amazed by the God of Israel’s bold declarations of the future. Today we see predicted events unfolding before our eyes, and especially those concerning Israel’s future.

Predictions Concerning Israel and the Gentile Nations

When we trace a timeline of recent world events we find that many are closely linked to Israel. We see that Israel is increasingly the vortex of the world. For example, the following events are prophesied:

  • The return of the Jewish people to their homeland [commenced late 1800’s, ‘Aliyah’ continues today]
  • The liberation of Jerusalem from Gentile domination [commenced 1917, completed 1967]
  • Establishment of a Jewish homeland [commenced late 1800’s, legalized 1922]
  • Continuing persecution of Jews outside Israel [encourages ‘Aliyah’ today]
  • Attempted division of the Jewish homeland and Jerusalem [sought by the UN, the EU and the PA]
  • Establishment of the State of Israel [the Jewish nation was ‘born’ May 1948]
  • A World Government which opposes Israel [evolving today]
  • A false church that teaches Israel has been replaced by the church [Replacement Theology]
  • The blossoming of Israel in agriculture and horticulture [commenced in the 20th century]
  • Astronomical signs [recent blood moons coincided with Israel’s biblical feasts]
  • An essentially Islamic invasion of Israel [watch today’s Iran-Turkey-Russia alliance]
  • An all-nation war against Israel [at the return of Christ]
  • Christ will rule the nations from Jerusalem [the Millennial age]

A Timeline for Israel and the World

The timeline below fills in some historical detail associated with these prophecies:


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